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Welcome to my latest guide! Today, I’m going to talk to you about Independent Mortgage Advisers—...
Credit History
How Many Years Do Lenders Review for Credit History? When lenders check your credit report, they typ...
The view on interest rates 2024
Mortgage rates: When will UK interest rates fall again ? By Kevin Peachey Cost of living corresponde...
Foreign National Mortgages
This post is designed to clarify the criteria and expectations of mortgage lenders, helping non-UK n...
Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor Mortgage
Joint-borrower-sole-proprietor mortgage (often abbreviated as JBSP) enables two or more individuals ...
The buzz of buying your first home
Reigniting the buzz of buying a home In recent years, first time buyers (FTBs) have faced significan...
Broker yes or no ? you decide
Should You Use a Mortgage Adviser? Getting a mortgage is one of the most significant financial decis...
Mortgage Broker – Submitting the application …
Preparation is essential when meeting with a mortgage adviser. They will start by discussing your ne...
Gifted Deposits
A gifted deposit is money gifted to you which is put towards part or all of your mortgage deposit. T...
Avoid these property scams
Watch out for these mortgage scams Your first step of protection? Avoid scams by always using a trus...
A couple of months after the election
A couple of months on, we reflect on what the recent election could mean for you As we all know, pre...
How does Critical Illness Cover Work
How does Critical Illness Cover work? Critical Illness Cover is something we are passionate about. P...